Places and Spaces for Sport and Recreation in Greater Christchurch: Issues and Options Paper Research Completed


Places and Spaces for Sport and Recreation in Greater Christchurch: Issues and Options Paper

Lead Author

Global Leisure Group


Sport and Recreation Earthquake Leadership Group

Publication Year



Sport and Recreation Earthquake Leadership Group


Sport Canterbury West Coast:

Phone:  (03) 373 5060
Fax:      (03) 387 0284



The places and spaces plan is a regional plan covering the provision of significant sized open spaces and facilities (physical infrastructure) in Christchurch City and the projected main urban areas of Selwyn District and Waimakariri District. Its purpose is to inform the decision making of

these three Councils and other interested parties by identifying the priority major physical infrastructure projects to support the long term development of sport and recreation in Greater Christchurch. 


This paper is a summation of the work completed as at 1 December 2011 and has been developed to provide a preliminary view of the issues and opportunities, and seeks feedback as part of places and spaces planning for the sport and recreation community. The places and spaces plan will be completed by mid-February 2012 along with several internal plans being prepared concurrently for the various Councils and other parties. 



Earthquake recovery, planning, territorial authorities, councils