Sports Field Surface Guidance Document Research Completed


Sports Field Surface Guidance Document

Lead Author


Sport NZ

Publication Year



Sport NZ


Sport NZ commissioned this work to understand the various options available for providers of sports fields to ensure that New Zealand’s Sports Fields are available for participation as much as possible. With the surge in construction of artificial surfaces Sport NZ wanted to answer the question: What are the options when it comes to sports field upgrades and developments?

The key finding from this research showed that the majority of the sports field providers are not looking to provide new sports fields, but need guidance on how to ensure existing sports fields meet level of service requirements.

Generally, it is a representative from the local club, school or local authority that gets tasked with making decisions regarding the upgrade or development of sports fields in their care. For this one person there are many questions they need to address before recommending a substantial capital and on-going operational expenditure commitment. This guidnace document helps set out a process for making these very important decisions.


How to access

Areas of Focus

Provision (delivery type & infrastructure)





March 15, 2013

Last Modified

March 14, 2016