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Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey – Staff Survey Results Research Completed
Sport New Zealand’s 2011 Young People’s Survey – Staff Survey Results
Lead Author
Christine Palmer
Q & A Research
Publication Year
The key purpose of Sport New Zealand’s nationwide 2011 Young People’s Survey (YPS) was to understand how sport and recreation fit into the lives of boys and girls. The survey also allowed questions to be asked of some school staff. This report provides the key results of the staff survey, although it should be noted that the results may not represent the views of all staff (see the Method section for more details). The report, however, does provide both useful and new insights into sport and active recreation in the school environment.
Topics include school ethos, help provided to schools to deliver sport and recreation, school-club links, provision of outdoor recreation activities, and availability and quality of onsite and offsite facilities.