Talent Development in the New Zealand Context Research Completed


Talent Development in the New Zealand Context

Lead Author

Ken Hodge , Scott Pierce, Megan Taylor, Angela Button


School of Physical Education, University of Otago, Michigan State University, Maimi University

Publication Year



University of Otago


Associate Professor Ken Hodge

School of Physical Education

University of Otago

E-mail: ken.hodge@otago.ac.nz



The purpose of this project was to gain an in-depth understanding of the

performance factors necessary for talent development in the New Zealand (NZ) sporting context from the perspective of:

– Current elite NZ athletes

– Former elite NZ athletes

– Coaches of elite NZ athletes

– Parents of elite NZ athletes

For NZ to continue to produce successful athletes at the elite level and increase the potential of NZ athletes to win on the international stage, it is vital to gain an understanding of the pathway that our current and former elite athletes have taken. This research project addressed the issues of athletic talent identification and development in the NZ socio-cultural context by gaining insight and perspectives from athletes, parents, and coaches who have been involved in elite sport.

Overall, the aim was to gather information regarding talent development that can be used to help educate athletes, parents, coaches, and administrators about the process of talent development and to provide recommendations to promote the future development of champion NZ athletes.


Athletes, Elite athletes, talent development, coaches, parents, performance factors, Tall Poppy Syndrome

How to access

Areas of Focus

Provision (delivery type & infrastructure)





November 16, 2012