Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2005 – 2006 Research Completed


Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2005 – 2006

Lead Author

New Zealand Police


New Zealand Police

Publication Year



New Zealand Police



Police Annual Search and Rescue Statistics have been collated from the electronic data collection form on Police Lotus Notes and reflect the data entered by districts. A 10% decrease has been recorded in search and rescue activity for the past year. The greatest decrease being in land search and rescue incidents, 184 less than last year. This decrease may be attributed to annual fluctuation, a particularly severe winter preventing usual outdoor activity, technological improvements and greater awareness of the risks outdoors.

The statistics for 2005 2006 give the following highlights:

• 661 class two land search and rescue incidents

• 690 class two marine search and rescue incidents

• 1411 incidents were attended

• Over 2,964 people were assisted

• $827,689.08 were spent delivering class II land incident response

• $509,540.96 were spent delivering class II marine incident response

• $90,593.50 were spent by Police supporting class III land incident response

• $16,652.5 were spent by Police supporting class III marine incident response

The Search and Rescue environment is constantly changing. Improved technology enables more accurate determination of appropriate responses and more efficient responses. As communication and navigation technology improve it is expected the number, length and cost of search and rescue operations will decrease. However an effective and efficient response will still be required to rescue those in distress. Enhancing the networks between search and rescue partners and utilising the skills and knowledge available is vital to ensuring the most effective response is provided. The combined use of improved technology and the skills search and rescue practitioners have will continue to see persons rescued more quickly and more efficiently.


Police, Rescue, Search and Rescue, SAR, Injuries, Fatalities, Statistics, New Zealand

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June 27, 2012

Last Modified

June 27, 2012