Improvement of fundamental movement skills through support and mentorship of class room teachers Research Completed


Improvement of fundamental movement skills through support and mentorship of class room teachers

Lead Author

Brooke Mitchell , Stephanie McLennan, Kasha Latimer, David Graham, Janine Gilmore, and Elaine Rush


Sport Waikato, Waikato District Health Board

Publication Year



Elsevier Ltd.


Sport Waikato

Phone: 07 858 5388, Fax: 07 858 5389



Project Energize, a multicomponent through-school programme aims to improve the overall health and reducing weight gain of Waikato primary school children by increasing their physical activity and encouraging healthy eating. The aim of this report is to describe the efficacy of one intervention that provided classroom teachers with tools for improving fundamental movement skill (FMS) proficiency in years 0-8 school children. In 2008 the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) was used to measure the FMS proficiency of children from 11 schools and 41 classes; before (n = 701) and after (n = 598) the teacher support was provided. Children were identified only by class years. At baseline less than half of the children exhibited proficiency in kicking (21%), throwing (31%) and striking (40%) while most children were able to run (84.6%) and slide (78.0%). All skills were substantially improved (P < 0.001) after the intervention with the biggest changes in kicking, throwing and striking; 49.8%, 63.5% and 76.3% proficient. At baseline children in years 0-3 from higher decile schools performed better than lower decile schools and after intervention this gap was reduced or removed. After receiving tailored FMS physical education classes led by the teacher, younger children were more competent than the older children were at baseline. The large, positive effects of the intervention have implications for long term physical activity participation and fitness with subsequent health benefits. The school-based FMS teacher support intervention by Team Energize is an effective way to improve outcomes for children.

Keywords:Child, Motor skills, School-based, Physical education


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March 24, 2014

Last Modified

March 24, 2014