Perceived barriers and incentives to increased physical activity for Pacific mothers in New Zealand: Findings from the Pacific Islands Families Study Research Completed


Perceived barriers and incentives to increased physical activity for Pacific mothers in New Zealand: Findings from the Pacific Islands Families Study

Lead Author

Philip J. Schluter , Melody Oliver and Janis Paterson


Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health



The aim of this study is to describe and compare Pacific and non-Pacific mothers’ perceived barriers and incentives to physical activity in New Zealand, and compare perceptions between Pacific mothers. The results of the study found that all barriers but one were significantly more influential for non-Pacific mothers than Pacific mothers, and all incentives but one were significantly more likely to succeed for non-Pacific mothers. The study concluded that pacific mothers appear not to see physical activity as an issue of importance. Therefore culturally appropriate approaches aimed at improving physical activity and health is needed to engage Pacific mothers in New Zealand.




Areas of Focus




November 11, 2011

Last Modified

December 12, 2011