Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2004 – 2005 Research Completed


Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2004 – 2005

Lead Author

New Zealand Police


New Zealand Police

Publication Year



New Zealand Police



Police Annual Search and Rescue Statistics have been collated from the electronic data collection form on Police Lotus Notes. The continued development of this form is enabling more accurate statistics to be recorded with more data on lost person behaviour able to be captured. A 16% increase in recorded search and rescue (SAR) activity for the past year indicates that statistics are being captured at a higher rate and that reported SAR incidents have increased.

The statistics for 2004 2005 give the following highlights:

  • 845 class two land search and rescue incidents
  • 648 class two marine search and rescue incidents
  • 1561 incidents were attended
  • Over 3,500 people were assisted
  • $1,308,645.71 were spent delivering class II land incident response
  • $449,850 were spent delivering class II marine incident response
  • $63,228 were spent by Police delivering class III land incident response
  • $66,645 were spent by Police delivering class III marine incident response

The Search and Rescue environment is constantly changing. A significant change that will affect response time to persons in distress is the decreased functionality of the COSPAS-SARSAT system. Those who use 121.5 megahertz beacons should investigate the many advantages of registered 406 megahertz beacons. To ensure an effective and efficient response to the ever growing numbers of outdoor enthusiasts a cooperative approach and intelligent use of technology is vital. The combined use of both will see persons rescued more quickly in a more effective manner.


Police, Rescue, Search and Rescue, SAR, Injuries, Fatalities, Statistics, New Zealand

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June 27, 2012

Last Modified

June 27, 2012