Sport and Active Recreation in the Lives of Auckland Adults Research Completed


Sport and Active Recreation in the Lives of Auckland Adults

Lead Author

Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU), Auckland Council , Sport New Zealand Research Team


Sport New Zealand

Publication Year



Sport New Zealand


Sport and Active Recreation in the Lives of Auckland Adults draws on Sport NZ’s 2013/14 Active NZ Survey to provide insights into how people living in the region take part in sport and recreation. The report highlights how Aucklanders take part in a variety of sport and recreation activities, and do so in higher numbers than the rest of the country: 78% of Auckland adults engage in sport and recreation in any given week compared to 74% nationally. Aucklanders also report more of an interest in either trying a new sport/activity or doing more of an existing one than national results (72% compared to 66%). The report considers these findings and other insights – such as challenges to participation – in more detail across different groups of Aucklanders based on gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic deprivation and main local boards. Findings from the report will help support strategic development of community sport and guide future investment in ways more people can enjoy and excel in sport and recreation activities.


How to access

Areas of Focus

Population Groups


Sport and Recreation Types





February 19, 2016

Last Modified

February 22, 2016