2013/14 Active New Zealand Survey Research Series

What sports and active recreation do Kiwis do? How often do they do them? Do Kiwi adults belong to clubs to play, take part in events or play casually? Do they get coaching to improve their performance? Do Kiwis volunteer in sport and recreation? Are more Kiwis participating and volunteering today than 5 years ago? These are some of the questions that Sport NZ’s 2013/14 Active NZ Survey (ANZS) answers.

The ANZS is a comprehensive, nationwide survey that explores sport and recreation participation and volunteering among New Zealand adults (aged 16 years and over). Over 6,000 adults from across New Zealand took part in the 2013/14 Survey.

The survey collects information about a large number and a broad range of sport and recreation activities.


Sport NZ



March 3, 2015


Last Modified

October 28, 2016