Michael Harbrow

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Social Science Advisor (Visitor)



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The effects of noise on recreationists and wildlife in New Zealand's natural areas: a literature review

This report reviews the literature about noise effects on recreationists and wildlife in New Zealand’s natural areas. International literature on the nature of noise impacts, factors that... read more

Ulva Island visitor survey 2012

This report summarises the results of a survey of 383 visitors to Ulva Island, Rakiura National Park carried out by the Department of Conservation during February 2012. The key... read more

Visitor Trends Report: Tongariro Whanganui Taranaki Conservancy

This report, was developed to support an upcoming series of strategic planning exercise being led by the Department of Conservation in the Tongariro Whanganui Taranaki... read more

2011 Key Summit Day Visitor Survey

This report summarises the results of a survey of 402 day walkers on the Key Summit Track, Fiordland National Park, carried out in early 2011. Surveying was undertaken as part of a wider programme to... read more

Arrowtown Chinese Settlement Survey 2013

This report presents the results of a survey carried out by the Department of Conservation in Arrowtown during the first three months of 2013. The survey gathered information about the demographics... read more